Saturday, April 01, 2006

One month in - For the past month I have been posting a Photo A Day: to what effect?

I certainly have achieved quantiy (if not quality). As a result of this little project, March has been far and away my most prolific month with over 6,000 shots taken (which means that less than 1% made this blog). My big days were no bigger but even on my slow days I was capturing over 100 images.

So what happens with quantity? One thing that sets in is boredom. I am now officially bored of the street portraits taken in a horizontal to provide context. Yes, I still take them and yes, they still often work but for now I am finding them boring. This is not a bad thing, if I can use it to break through and be more creative. The answer is to experiment more and play. Some shots here reflect that, but not as many as should. I think I will play more with out-of-focus shots where the shape and colors become the subject.

The blog has not, however, become a forum. While I have received a few of encouraging comments (all appreciated), I really have no idea how many people are checking in. Unlike my smugmug site, there are no counters for visits available.

So here it is. If you have been checking in and would like to see this continue, jot a reaction to what you have seen. I have made it easy because you don't need to register with blogspot but include your name so I know who wrote it. With your reactions I will know if this is worth keeping up.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like your site. I am a Sri-Lankan living in the US and I have started to check in to your site just to get to see a bit of my home every day. I have liked all your images because they are honest and not contrived like Sansoni's images tend to be. I find this interesting too, since you are not Lankan and Dominic is.

8:56 PM  
Blogger John Beebe said...

That's enough to keep me going. If I can offer an authentic glimpse of home, then it is worthwhile. So often it is the fresh eyes of the outsider that provide the lens to re-examine ourselves. If I provide that lens than I have achieved more than I have a right to hope for. Certainly, being here has given me a new lens from which to view my own home.

thanks your comments and feel free to share the site.


7:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I made a few comments during the month as you know. However I guess many of us are suffering from information overload so the amount of time one can offer to look at the blog on 'daily' basis is pretty limited. And one could become bored as a viewer too!! As I've been living in Sri Lanka I perhaps saw more in the photos as they brough back happy memories but going forward I'd suggest an E-mail to friends and relations once a month with summary of what you've been doing, photographing etc plus URL's to photoblog inserted if people want to see your work. Something like that. Nick

9:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beebs...I look every other day or so and I'm a big fan of this site. Is it because I'm a friend? Is it because we'll be living in Sri Lanka next August? Not sure, but I do know that the few minutes I spend logging in are worth it, and I'm always curious to see what will turn up next - my favorite was the self-portrait. Goofy! Keep the pictures coming!

3:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your photos. While I don't get to check as often as I would like, I enjoy being able to see what you've added. Brings back memories. Like Matt said, it's worth it. Please keep it going. Maybe Matt can keep it going with more photos next year!

6:33 PM  

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